Saturday, October 27, 2018

Hounds, Hounds Everywhere!

If the old saying, "Happiness is warm puppy", is true, then we have a happy abode!

Otis is a great ol' dog.  He is starting to play with Juno more and even ambushed her one night in a wonderfully thought out heist to steal her rope bone.

It worked perfectly and led to roughly 10 minutes of playful laps around the basement!  It was great fun to watch!

I was watching football and both dogs took turns being on my lap, but would leave when the other would attempt to find its place.  They both figured it out and I had two dogs for a while!  It was great until it got hot!

I took Friday off and made this fellas day!  He snuggled by me every chance he got!

This was Friday night as both dogs competed for who got to lay by my feet.  Juno eventually won, but man, they wrestled for quite a while over it!

This morning while Rob and I were cooking breakfast, Otis came out to observe the proceedings and maybe get a rogue scrap of food.  He gave us the giggles when he sat like this!

Shortly after taking that picture,  his paws started sliding on the wood flooring and so he just gracefully slid into this position.

Otis the pillow, and Juno is under the red blanket.

Rob is already talking about becoming a foster family for other doggos in transit after Otis gets to go back home.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that, but watching Otis and Juno,  it wouldn't be terrible...

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