Saturday, February 22, 2014

Vacation - Post #12, A Few Photos From Delaware

There won't be much to this post as we didn't take many pictures.  Truly, we saw a lot of the same kind of country sites that you would see driving thru smaller towns in the Midwest, so reminders to take photos didn't present themselves too often.

We even got stuck in bad traffic due to road construction which made us feel right at home, but we didn't take any photos of that either.  Or any video, thank goodness, of Dear ol' Dad losing his cool!

This is on the Chesapeake Bay bridge which crosses some bay... I can't recall the name of it.  Possibly the Bay Of Fundy...  No telling. :-)

Again, on the bridge over Chesapeake Bay. This bridge is, by guess, about 3 miles long with a roughly 45 degree curve in at one point.

This was after we had done a whole bunch of driving, got caught in construction traffic, bought a pile of beers and probably some other stuff that I've forgotten now.  This is in the parking lot just East of the Chesapeake Bay and you can kind of make out a Marina a little to the left of Momma and the boys in the photo.  This was in the parking lot of the Fishermans Inn restaurant where we consumed a fine lunch.

Some of the gulls (a.k.a. "devil birds") that like to hang around hoping someone tosses them some of the duck food.

Robby and Momma with the bag full of duck food.  You see, here was yet another example of East coast folks who treated us in outstanding ways.  I stayed behind to pay and tip the waitress and quite possibly, to use the facilities before getting back into the car.  Momma, Robby and Calebber walked over to look at the water inlet and the ducks.  A local grandma drove up and saw a mom with two boys and asked if they would like to feed the ducks.  She ended up giving us a plastic grocery bag quite well stocked with food to feed to the ducks on the scene.  Good fun. Good lady.

This is driving back West across the Chesapeake Bay and that beachy/woodsy area that you can see is Sandy Point State Park.  What we did not know, and it was probably better that we didn't, is that quite often in the afternoons, this bridge gets closed due to winds.  If that were the case, instead of crossing this bridge, we would have had to drive North, pretty much to New Jersey and then back South to go up and around the Bay to get back to Gaithersburg, MD.  That would been less than desirable, to say the least, although I'm sure we would have saw some delightful stuff that we did indeed miss.

And that's about all I have to offer of this day.  

Only one more vacation post to go, and it may have been my favorite place of all that we visited, Harpers Ferry. 

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