Friday, January 17, 2014

Vacation 2013 - Post #8, The Museums

There's not a ton of museum pics here, although I could have certainly included them!  Especially when it came to the National Air & Space Smithsonian!!  Robby and Dear old Dad were at home in that bad boy!

Otherwise, it's a lot of photos, mostly of kiddos, which is by far the coolest!

Let's get started.

A happy and fresh Liena & Robby on the train for Downtown D.C.  To think back to these two becoming friends in the Forbidden City in Beijing, is almost too cool!  Hopefully, they'll be friends where ever life leads them.

This is in the National Museum of the American Indian where we had a wonderful ethnic lunch at the Mitsitam Native Foods Cafe.  There were different food stations for different ethnicities where you could order food based on your current fancy.  The photo is a big pavilion type area where they have prism windows to reflect the sunlight.  I'm a dork so I've been fascinated by prism's ever since this record came out in 1977.

Another shot just inside of the entry way...  Note the space capsule.  Note the Missile on the right side of the picture.  Note the satellite in the upper middle/left.  Need I go on?
Inside the entry way of the Air & Space Museum.  I was hooked and we weren't more than 50' inside the door.  Oh sure, I'm fat... it's hot outside... it's wonderfully air conditioned inside...  BUT I PROMISE that didn't have anything to do with my fascination.

Liena, Robby and Caleb outside of the Air & Space museum.  They do not realize the walk we have ahead of us to get back to the train, which is a considerable ride back to the car, which is a small drive back home.  Oh to be young again!

Robby, Momma chaos, Ethan, Liena and Marylynn on the train ride back to Gaithersburg.   The end of a long day for the kiddos, but absolutely fascinating, to me at least.

So that's about it for this post.  I wanted to caption the pics better, but they're giving me fits for whatever reason and I'm not about to put up with that kind of behavior from a silly machine!  :-)

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