Saturday, January 4, 2014

Vacation 2013 - Post #5, At The Gonsalves

So after spending the better part of the day at Gettysburg and driving on to Maryland and the Catoctin Mountain park, we finally arrived at our friends house.

It seems odd that I'm posting some photos from somebody else's house (hopefully they don't mind) but there's some good photos there and for whatever reason, Caleb got the giggles this morning looking at them.  They don't appear to be funny to me, but kids are kids...  what can you say?

This was shortly after we had first arrived.  It didn't take long for the kids to "catch-up" and get over any shy tendencies that time may have borne.

Robby is attempting to do his homework that he had to have done by the end of summer while Caleb "helps" and I'm sure, makes things easier for Rob.  Robby looks delighted, does he not!?

That's Ethan in the Superman pj's.  He and Caleb hit it off pretty good although Caleb declares no memory of him from China.  That's really not surprising since both boys were probably in a bit of distress at that point.  Caleb and Ethan share "Got'cha Day" dates!

And here is the lad in all of his glory.  I was happy to get to spend more time with their family because I eventually got to the point with Lil' E where he sat on my lap for the train ride into DC proper where we teased each other and giggled relentlessly.

This is how we spent each early morning;  drinking Steve's wonderful coffee!  He makes coffee that is nearly perfect for how I like mine.  I miss it...

This photo has been on here before, but it's worth repeating when you consider how terrified Caleb was of any and all animals when we brought him to America.  It took him nearly 3 days to warm up to sweet Nala, but he got there!  I also miss taking Nala on her afternoon walks.

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