At the rate I'm moving on vacation posts, I won't be done with 2013's vacation when it's time to leave for 2014's!! I'd better try to get a few done over the holidays, although there will be holiday posts that must be done as well...
So after driving/hiking out in the battlefields all day up to this point, the tour in Gettysburg ends like so many of the soldiers trip there; in the cemetery.
When you first breach the gates of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, it's daunting, to say the least, as there are headstones everywhere but behind you. As far as you can see.
One of the first things you notice though is our first picture, the Lincoln Monument. A short while after bodies were gathered and burials began, it was decided that a dedication ceremony was to be had at the incomplete Soldiers' National Cemetery. First to speak was a long-winded Massachustts'en named Edward Everett who rattled on for two hours. I can imagine being there and secretly wishing I was one of the dead...
Next up, President Abraham Lincoln who spoke for, give or take, two minutes, in what is known as the Gettysburg Address.
I am reminded of the Bible:
Luke 20:46-47
New International Version (NIV)
46 “Beware
of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes
and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the
most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at
banquets. 47 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”
I'm not calling for severe punishment of Mr. Everett, I am simply saying that I was reminded of this passage...
Lets move on to some pics.
Again, we have a LOT more pics than this. I just tried to pick some that represent what we as a family took in that fine day in early August.
The Lincoln memorial monument. |
One of MANY fine monuments to the men who fought in these battles. |
I believe this is the "centerpiece" of the cemetery. It's designed in a near half-circle around this monument. The smaller states' dead closer with the larger states taking their place on the outer edges. |
Headstones, and lots of them... |
and LOTS more of them... |
and more... |
and more... |
and more... |
Ahh!!! Something a little more uplifting! Two cute little varmints trying to comprehend just exactly what it is that they are witnessing on this day. |
This photo was taken by Robby. I included it, but felt uneasy about it since we're in a cemetery and one of our family is not present in the shot. Not cool... |
The cannon struck me as a bit odd, but what do I know? |
These were burial plots around the main centerpiece of the cemetery, causing several great big half-circles if viewed from above. |
That about sums up our time at Gettysburg. If the boy(s) continue to show interest, I could see going back there and spending more time since we glossed over what is possibly the greatest event in American history.
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