Monday, December 2, 2013


So, much time has passed since I've last posted anything about anything.  What can I say?  I've been busy... okay, not really THAT busy, but a little busy and that sounds better than saying, "I've been lazy!".

Caleb is doing good despite Dear ol' Dad thinking he had a bit of skin hanging off of his surgical sight one evening while brushing his teeth, and therefore, trying to remove the skin by gently pulling on it only to realize a few moments later that it was HIS STITCHES!!!

What an idiot I am.  That has caused Calebber some "ouchies" and made Daddy feel bad about it every day since.

He appears to be healing well. Especially his hip.  Yesterday saw him get scolded a few times for bouncing on the couch while on his knees only to bounce off onto the floor, landing on his feet and taking off running.  So, I'm quite convinced that the hip is doing okay!

What else has been going on?  Well, I got to play my new double neck guitar in church a weekend ago as my buddy Bob Castelline is filling in as music director (I'm not sure of the official title) currently and invited me to play.  We did the old hymn, The Wonderful Cross, where I got to utilize the new axe in the exact method that I had intended it.  Good fun.

Then, we had Thanksgiving. Grandma and Grandpa Bushman came down to witness Robby's swim meet last Monday.  He did awesome!  Three Blue ribbons in individual races and a Red ribbon in their relay.

We played a lot of pool and then Thanksgiving day happened.

Happily, we went from hosting for Aunt Molly, G'ma and G'pa to hosting those three folks as well as my mama, G'ma Schmitz, my two sisters and their families as well!

I like cooking a big meal so the more the merrier!  Weight gain be d@mned!!!

Friday night, we (including Aunt Molly) took the boys to Jolly Holiday Lights at the Waterworks park in Des Moines as we do every year.  Photo's below...

On Saturday, Mama's birthday, we went to the brunch buffett at Americana in downtown Des Moines and consumed a ridiculous amount of kibble there.

Sunday saw church, Sunday school, groceries and much, MUCH football, including the mighty, once high-octane, once loaded with weapons St. Louis Rams crashing and burning in San Francisco.  Disgusting...

That brings us current so here's a few photos of the cuties.

Love this picture!  Robby looks like he's on the campaign trail!

Here he looks like he's in trouble and about to pull it off...

And here?  BUSTED!

I'm not sure what Caleb thinks of all of this, but he was definitely excited!

That's about all from Pleasant Hill.

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