Friday, February 17, 2012

Another short update... even shorter than the other short update...


We had another appointment to have a surgeon look at Mr. Marvin McNutts palette to determine what they thought it would take to repair.  This appointment was in Des Moines at Mercy hospital, on Wednesday February 15th, which carries a bit of convenience over going to Iowa City.

Long story short, it was a good visit, better than we were expecting and therefore making the decision about where to have the procedure done, a little harder.

In Des Moines, we learned of, which is a site created and ran by a family in Norwalk Iowa who had a little critter born back in July of 2004 with a cleft lip/palette.  They created this entity as a support group type deal to help families deal with children born with facial birth defects. 

We had the good fortune of choosing a critter with this feature and so it most likely doesn't come with the same emotions as those who have borne children of the same likeness.

That being said, it was sweet to see Caleb receive the Teddy Bear and book from the program and it helped quite a bit to settle him down and reduce the anxiety that he was feeling during his appointment. 

All in all, we have a tough decision to make and it's certainly not to be taken lightly.  Robby is our little boy. Caleb (a.k.a., Marvin McNutt) is our little boy.  Both deserve A+ care and support through any trials they should experience.  I don't know of any parents who would say/think otherwise.  Both hospitals appear to have good programs in place and both appear to have good captains in control of their ships.

A little waffling and lot more prayer is likely to happen...

We welcome your prayers and thanks in advance.


  1. So, surgery in I.C. would be in May... Mercy to Ti
    timeline any different, advantage?

    1. We are up in the air. Big decision for our little crunchy boy.
