Our last morning in NOLA saw us lugging baggage back down to the parking garage where the valets go and retrieve your vehicle. I HATE valet parking with a passion that borders on insanity. Hate it, hate it, HATE IT!!!!
I want to have complete and total access to my vehicle at all times. It may be because of different shoes, local beers that I've purchased or 100 other things.
Total sidebar there as we're leaving and not having our vehicle at our wont is now moot.
We get all of our crap loaded up and head out of NOLA. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning. The traffic was fairly light, probably due to Coronavirus22-3 but it was a pleasant drive.
We were headed to Orange Beach, Alabama, which is just a 3+ hour drive from New Orleans. I'm kind of a science nerd even tho I never got better than D- in High School science classes. At that time, I was going to be a famous guitarist, so no matter my interest in such things like science, it didn't matter... But while my wife (former High School Science teacher) plans 99% of our family vaca's, I identified the NASA Infinity Science Center as a place we should probably stop at... if it's open during Coronvirus36-17. It was and the workers did a great job of wiping down every exhibit before allowing the next family in.
We're just on the outside of the building at this point. This is a Tsunami Buoy and there's a description below. I'm pretty dang excited at this point! |
OMG, yaaaaassssss!!!! I think we need a supplemental engine in our Dodge Caravan like this little lovely! My 22 minute commute (should we ever return to the office) would be less than 22 seconds!
Friggin' cool!! |
A real-life lunar module!
If you don't find this sexy, I can't talk to you... we can't be friends. My fams in front of the bottom of a rocket!
The elusive Robby (larger American boy) in the mocked up spaceman outfit. |
Caleb (smaller Asian boy) in the same... |
This was fun! It's a "measurer" of impact so that you can jump on the "Jump Zone" pad and have it measure your impact. The smaller Asian boy started the fun... |
The larger American boy couldn't stand to be upstaged so even tho he didn't want to be there, he had to do better than his little brother! LOL! |
This was cool to finally understand this as I had no idea after seeing similar symbols on many news reports over the years. |
Very informative even if it's in a kind of gross way... but nature is not always fun. |
I have no idea of what this is anymore... I tried to edit the pic and zoom in on the sign but it pixeled out so it was unreadable. |
Hallways on the space shuttles... |
more... |
and more.
Communication tools when in space. |
Combustion chamber used to get peeps into the aforementioned space! |
The boys were both fairly amazed with the stuff they were seeing but when they saw the exhibit of what the spacemen eat, they were both out! We were also getting closer to lunch time at this point, but both lads are certain that they're not cut out for space travel based on their meals...
The ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared cameras. Caleb was enamored with this and spent a good amount of time here.
The larger American boy has showed up to take over this situation where it's obvious that his little brother is not doing it correctly. LOL!! |
I think this had something to do with hurricane force winds and that seems to be supported by Caleb's hair in this pic! |
This was a LOT of fun and I was so glad that we visited after not knowing much about it!
I want to go there! I too did not enjoy or do well in HS Science (chalk it up to Mr Nibauer killing my interest in science) but I would be all over this place.