This is one of those things that seemed like a very cool idea but after driving way the heck up there and seeing what we saw, we wish that we would have driven South out of New Orleans down into those swampy areas either on route 23 or route 1. Since we were already South of New Orleans (in the last post at Airboat Adventures in Lafitte, Louisiana) it would have made a much shorter day that going back North thru NO and then back South again...
Live and learn, right!?
Well, after the swamp boats, we headed out for the plantation with everyone being a bit hungry, well, Caleb was A LOT hungry as usual, but we knew their was a world class restaurant on the property as well, so with a few snacks in the car, we set out to find the joint. It seemed like it took forever to get there...
This shot is important as it's one of our funny memories now. We just shared it with someone again yesterday! You can't really tell from this pic from but that train track is a solid 10 inches higher than the road. And it's just as deceptive in real life as it is in this picture! So we're cruising along about 55 mph when Lesley says, "you're going to hang a right up ahead so start slowing down". Well, I took my foot off of the gas but didn't touch the break until about 20ft before this baby. Robby had a FULL cup of coffee that he had maybe a drink or two of since we stopped after the boat tour, and when we hit these tracks, that coffee left the cup holder and hit the ceiling of the van!!! It went everywhere and this event likely took two years off of the life of the van. Funny then, no. Funny now? YES!! |
This is one of the first things you see after going thru the welcome center, much of which was closed due to the Coronavirus20-1. We'll see both structures in this photo from different vantage points later in the post. |
Caleb is fired up to see everything, but he was a bit antsy taking pictures as we were looking for the restaurant. |
The backside of the actual Houmas House. I don't believe we ever got around to see the front side of it with all of the pillars and wrap around second story porch. |
A produce garden that was truly producing veggies with some strange looking artsy-fartsy pigs. They were kind of neat, all made of scrap metal. |
We had the restaurant, and frankly, other than workers and a lady doing a fancy photoshoot, the plantation all to ourselves. That's a birdcage behind Rob's head with actual birds in it. This room was HUGE and gorgeous! |
And then there's this guy... Here he is proving that not only can you breathe thru the mask, you can also enjoy your favorite beverage thru it as well! LOL!!
The food here was A.MAZING!!! However, looking at the menu, I cannot tell what the heck this is... I'm pretty sure it was the dish that Momma Chaos ordered, but that's as good as I can do. |
This was Rob's pick. Louisiana Beef Short Ribs that required NO effort at all to pull apart with a fork. It was soooooo good that it was stupid. I ordered the appetizer of the Chicken & Andouille Sausage Gumbo. Very good but not as good as the little restaurant that was somewhere that we visited at some point... It was in Bay St. Louis, MS at a place called Butter Cup on 2nd Street. Their gumbo was life changing! |
Another shot of the elusive Robert!
Another shot of the Houmas House this time thru a fancy arch that I would like to have something similar too.
Speaking of cool arches, check out this path! |
Can't imagine the work that went into this over the years... |
Giraffes made out of scrap metal. |
The gazebo or whatever it would be called that we saw in that second photo, but from a different angle and my fams in it!
Not sure what's going on with this chimney, but I don't recall ever seeing another like it. Looks like a miniature version of an outside kitchen. |
The other shot from a different angle of the second pic. This one is better because of my peeps! |
That is some type of ampitheatre or whatever built into the hill in the distance. It's far more interesting to see it from from the aerial view but it doesn't say what it is... |
Overall, pretty cool and with good food, but we were all happy to get back to the hotel and back to the swimming pool before packing up to leave the next morning.
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