Thursday, October 17, 2019

Heartbreaking Football and the Aftermath

Caleb had another Tuesday night football game as a make-up game for Oct. 5th which was cancelled due to passing thunderstorms.

It was COLD AND WINDY!!!  Absolutely painful to sit in the bleachers and watch, but that's what we did.  And for 47:40 of 48 minutes of game play, we weren't disappointed!

But what happened in those other 20 seconds was a roughly 90 play where our defense faltered and allowed the second score of the game with about 1:40 left in the game.  We couldn't come back...  

Turns out that the 20 second gaffe was our fatal blow and the boys were devastated.

The only picture I took.  It was a surprise to us that Caleb was getting to run the ball a LOT!  He's not played a single play on offense thru the first 4 games but our running back was unable to be there so Caleb played every play of the game, except two.  That's him in the white jersey "running".  He did great and was EXHAUSTED after the game, not to mentioned banged up, but he loved it!

What is this, you ask?  Caleb had sore elbows and a large "cherry" on one of his knees.  Mom told him to get in the shower to clean his wounds and then she would dress his knee.  He stripped in our bathroom and showered and these are the little rubber pellets from the football field that he had in places where no man or boy should have them!  LOL!!

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