Saturday, June 1, 2019

Schmitz 2018 Vaca, Post 11 - Acadia Ntl. Park, Part 2

So as we continue on our vacation, we find ourselves at Thunder Hole. This is another spot where me bride & I, along with my sister Doris, found ourselves out in the New England area somewhere in either 1999, or 2000...  can't recall for sure, but I do know that Buckcherry had just released their debut album because I recall quite clearly lying down on the air mattress in her living room and there being some type of metal music video show on the tv that I had on to calm my nerves after a CRAZEEE-ARSE drive, and Buckcherry's Lit Up came on and I was blown away as it sounded so different from all of the other crap metal that was out at the time.  

I came to realize later that I was likely attracted to the song as they had clearly ripped off KISS's Shock Me riff for their own tune.  Do some research and feel free to prove me wrong and we'll debate.

Run-on sentences and everything else aside,  it was a great trip that produced many fond memories that we wished to recreate with our kiddos and hopefully a few new memories along the way!

In the upper right quadrant of the pic,  you can quite clearly see Sand Beach which was featured in the previous post.  Thunder hole is just down the road to the "middle of the picture",  slightly left of center, with a light blue dot representing its bad self!

The waves come in and make their way into this cove, which has some unique sonic properties that resemble...  wait...  for... it...   thunder.  Hence the clever name!

I am truly amazed by the crap/stuffs that grow on rocks at the edges of the oceans.  If you would like another point of reference, check out this older blog post here.

The noise, the smells, and the sights are serious points of pontification!

These two are on a very short list of things that can make pictures of Maine better than just natural landscape!

So this pic was took'en in 2018.  Not even one of theSchmitz Mobile Chaos Unit is visible in this this pic, but it's very similar to a pic taken back in the late '90's when my bride and I visited with my sister Doris.

And HEY!!!  Here we are back in whatever year this really was.  My bride took this picture of  me and my sister Doris.   Its a bit faded and color jaded after these last 20+ year but that's me in the northwest corner of the pic with a white windbreaker and my sister is standing next to me with the dark top on.

Why would I not want to move here and finish out my days!?!?!?  It is so beautiful and there's so much exploration to be done!


This is on the Park Loop Road at Otter Cove.

Same...  and the rest are at the similar local.

So we ticked thru more precious time in one of the loveliest places in the U.S., we got to show the kiddos why I deem this place as a little bit of heaven on Earth!

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