Sunday, April 14, 2019

Fire in the Creek

I had no plans heading into the weekend, other than to NOT go to work.  It looks like that is going to hold true, thank God.

I knew that we had to buy groceries as we were about out of every single one of the common items that we usually have on hand; bread, milk, eggs, and so on.

I got a call from my Momma saying she needed help with her printer,  so Caleb and I headed over there to help on our way to the grocery store.  For our good deed, we were gifted a container of homemade cinnamon rolls!!  Those are gone as of 11am this morning!  :-)

But she also had a big grocery bag of what looked like garbage but not the stuff you just toss.  I asked her if she wanted me to take that home and burn it.  It turns out that is exactly what it was waiting for but she forgot a week or so ago when I was there.

So now we have some more stuff to burn...  the weather was fantastic with just the slightest breeze and occasional stronger gust...  PERFECT for burning!

The day is taking shape!

We hauled all of our own burn stuff down to the creek along with grandma's bag of burnables.  Off we go!

The weather was so perfect that I decided to see if some of last years dead foliage would burn.  It did!

Caleb asked if he could burn some other areas as well.  Why not!?  We cleaned up a bunch of twigs and bigger sticks over in the neighbors yard while we were at it.

My little helper!  

Having problems...

I liked teaching him about how to light the fire based on the wind direction but to also keep an eye on all fronts of where previous burns were lit.  He did good.

So what was the larger American boy doing during all of this?  He was shoveling the clay and river rock up by our front door and dumping it over the rip wrap in the creek.  He was not very keen on the fact that there were fires burning on both sides of him.

I had fun with this one.  I cleaned up a BUNCH of newer branches that had either fallen over winter or washed in by the previous months flooding.

I roasted the middle and ring finger knuckles tending to the fire in picture above!  

Until next Spring...

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