Friday, November 23, 2018

Schmitz Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving means a bit more every year as the people who attend get thinner and thinner as life delivers blows as only life can.

A major part of living is dying. We do not like to address this reality but the reality stares us down like a deer in the headlights and will not waver.

God has promised us an eternity that is far greater than anything we could possibly achieve on this wonderful orb, but yet, we strive and do crazy things to stay here!!!

I'm sure that my opinion will change when I stare the final door in the face and there's no other options but right now, I still wonder why we do this as true believers?

No matter, it was another opportunity to share another brief bit of time with my family.  It was short and wonderful!!!

Robby and I had left by this point, which is why we're absent yet Calebber is present!  Lesley had to work which is why she is absent.

Sonny the beast invades future attempts at pics!

Dave with Shadow and Sonny.

Sonny with my brother Steve and his son, Tim.

Sam and Jonah playing RISK with a watchful Caleb on the sidelines.

Another year goes by with a few people missing and other facing serious circumstances.  Thankfulness abounds...  we had another year together, but yet the promise of greater things is still there!  

Thank you, Jesus Christ!!!

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