Friday, January 26, 2018

Hawaii Vaca, Post 19 - Day 7 Travelling from Hawaii to Kauai

This will be, what I hope anyway, the most boring post that you would ever see about Hawaii!   It's another day of travel as we are leaving the Big Island and heading to the much smaller island of Kauai.

We're finding out that when you buy little souvenir's here and there, you start running out of room to pack stuff up in.  Not too mention the weight restrictions for carry-on bags is much smaller on the island-to-island flights!

So we got everything packed up and loaded back into the rental vehicle.  Next we had to clean and remove our trash, not too big of deal but we did have a fair amount of garbage as we cooked here quite a bit. 

Caleb did his part by trying to take down the remainder of the Kona Coffee Ice Cream that we had purchased!  He did good, but didn't quite make it. He's a little worker bee so he did sweep the floors and helped haul the garbage to the dumpster as well.

That is the posture of a boy who wanted to live in this very apartment/condo or whatever you'd call what we're in.  He was not happy about the need to move on. Can't hardly blame the lad as we did some really cool stuff on this island, and right on the other side of that curtain is a balcony overlooking the swimming pool and another small body of water called the Pacific Ocean.

Exhibit A.  This pic was taken right as we arrived on Day 4.  Robby and Caleb were both wicked impressed with the place and quite frankly, I was too! 

Exhibit B.  I really can't say anything that would add to this picture.

And a really boring part...

All three of these indoor pics were taken with me standing in roughly the same spot, it turns out.  The kitchen from above, is immediately to my right, and the living room is behind me here.  The bathroom is the door on the left and that's the only bedroom. 

We had a bit of time to kill before getting to the airport so we went up town into the little shopping district.  Robby wanted a hat.  This was my favorite!

His favorite.

I love this kid!

Waiting to board and taking in the airport scenery.

We vacation hard!  That boy was zonked out AND he had the window seat!!!  He fell asleep before take-off and woke up after the plane landed and was stopped.  When he woke up, he said in a disgusted voice, "WHAT!?!?  We haven't even taken off yet!?!?".  We still laugh at that one.

After we landed at Lihue Airport, got our rental car and drove across the island to find the Waimea Plantation Cottages, we drove back to the town of Hanapepe to go eat at the Kauai Island Brewery.  The food and beer were excellent but you're not far off the ocean and everything is pretty much open-air. It was humid!!  I tried the Captian Cook's IPA, Cane Fire Red, Pakala Porter, Na Pali Pale Ale, and the Belgian Wheat.

We miss you...

After dinner, it was late in the day by this point, we stopped at a grocery store just up the road from the brewery, got some stuff to cook with and headed back to the cottages to crash for the night.

That's how day 7 went.

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