Thursday, October 27, 2016

Out Of The Ordinary

This is a random collection of mostly nonsense pictures that don't fit with any specific theme to do a post for.  In the past, I would have just thrown these up as individual posts but I'm way, way way behind and I don't have time for that many.  So I'll do a goofy post and group them together and we'll move along as if nothing ever happened?  


Little Calebber watching the new version of The Jungle Book.  If I laid on the floor like that for more than 30 seconds, I would not be able to move for at least a week!

Nearly two weeks ago, I got a chance to play pool against this guy again!  We have had some epic battles in the past; kicked each others butts up one side and down the other, laughed ourselves silly, argued like 10 year olds, listened to HOURS of excellent tunes, drank too many "squeaky doors" and on the rare occasion, made "donkeys" out of ourselves.  I wouldn't change or trade a minute of those times and cherish each and every minute we get around the silly little table!

Gotta love the fuel saver card from Hy Vee grocery stores, so long as you're disciplined enough to still only buy the things you would have normally bought, had there not been a fuel saver.  Twenty five cents per gallon and not quite $5 to fill up my truck!

This was stinky...  I took a day off of work to deal with Molly paperwork, make phone calls and other stuff trying to get her "estate" closed and finalized.  The photo can't possibly capture the papers and folders that were behind me too.  We getting close to being done but there are several more headaches to be had yet...

Another oddity.  A photo of a beautiful sunrise that nearly captures the beauty of the real thing that morning!

And last, a new way to watch NFL football.  That's not me but I'm guessing it's much easier to understand the rules and excessive flags during the games from this vantage point!

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