Thursday, September 22, 2016

Its All In Your Technique

I am way behind, as usual. But more behind than the aforementioned usual. I'm not sure I can catch up at this point, but something tells me to keep on trying.

So while I have about 35 posts that require me to think and try to exude cleverness, this one requires none of that, and that, is exactly what I'm in the mood for after the mental beating I've taken at work lately.

So you'll just have to deal with it.

Our first Boston Terrier, Daisy, used to spread out on the tile floor in our apartment in what we called the 'H' position.  Imagine the letter H with her four paws being the upper and uh, "downer" tendrils of the 'H".  That's how she cooled off after playing.  Juno the Terrible, prefers the "side on the floor" method.  She's happy and keeps us happy as a family since she's not terrorizing us...

And speaking of terror, she just emptied the entire stuffed guts of her Duck toy.  Then, she jumped up onto the couch against my leg and snuggled with the carcass for a quick nap.

Above and beyond all techniques is the "reverse-couch" technique executed to perfection by the powerful and attractive, Calebber McCheese as he plays a game on the PS4.

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