Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Vacation 2015, #18 - Camping At Cape Lookout State Park

I had made a comment about the next post "being a little more labor intensive" in the Local Ocean Seafood post.  Never in my wildest nightmares would I have believed that Molly would pass-away prior to me getting this posted!!  But that's what happened and that's where we find ourselves as a family...

So on to the original "next" post.


Another post that I believe to be slightly out of order, although, that could just be my memory.

This is our campsite and local surroundings at Cape Lookout State Park near Tillamook, OR.  It was a pretty nice campground although the bathrooms could have been a bit closer, but what the heck, you're on vacation, eating out all the time, probably good to be "required" to go on walks every now and then.  The beauty of this campsite was mountains on one side, ocean on the other!

That's not to mention the threat of bears.  And tsunamis, as you'll see later.

On to the pics...

This is it, in all her glory!  Not much green space but the space to the right of this photo went unoccupied for quite a while, so Robby and I got some football catch in.  There was plenty of space to stake in the big foot-long plastic stakes that I like for the over-the-top-canvas to help with the wind.  She held up fine and allowed a spot to hang some wet laundry.
This is looking back at our campsite from the sand dune separating the campground from the beach/ocean.  You can see what looks like fog in the air.  That's a combination of mist, salt and sand that gets on everyone and everything!  Our site is just to the left of that telephone pole towards the right of the photo.  The bathrooms are waaaaaayyyyyyy over on the left by those furthermost trees.  Not an issue until it's 2:24 am and you've got to go, REAL BAD!!!
And then there was this.  This was posted in the mens restrooms so that whatever slice of nature you were nuturing, you got to read this.  Comforting?  I think not.  You think I'm going to crawl into a car and wait in a traffic jam in an attempt to escape a tsunami?  Nope, not me.   Either high tail it towards the mountains behind us or lean in to it and accept my fate.  Number 2 is probably the go-to, because have you ever tried running in sand?

I missed these photos as I was back at the campground sorting thru the van and trying to get it organized.  I was buying beer not only for myself, but for a cousin in Wisconsin who would trade with me come early August at the annual family reunion.  I missed some good stuff, so if I ever decide to do something like that again, it'll be on a much smaller scale and therefore, much less time consuming.  But look at that beach and sunset!!

And then there's these two.  My pride and absolute joy, waiting for the next wave to come in and dissolve the sand beneath their feet so they can giggle all over again!
And there's the next wave heading back out to sea, only to meet the next one rolling in.
And should you ever ever feel like you're the center of the universe,  I give you exhibit A, where the camera is still zoomed in and the boys are but a tiny zit on the butt of the world.  If I may wax poetic...
And there they are again, digging a hole only to have the seawater come and fill it from below.
And of course,  football on the beach!
Snow angels by Robby while Caleb digs in the background.

This is looking South from the beach that is pretty much straight West of our campground.  I believe that is also the hill/bluff where Momma took Robby hiking the next morning while the rest of us wondered how our backs would survive the remaining vacation!   Oh, and I double-dog-dare-you to try and walk that beach down to those trees/bluff!

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