Friday, February 12, 2016

Vacation 2015, #10 - Oregon, Fort Stevens State Park

This post has us in the very upper Northwest corner of the fine state of Oregon.  We visited the old military base Fort Stevens which was built around the tail end of the civil war and is the only military base in the continental U.S. that was attacked during WWII.

Along with Mt. St. Helens, I probably could have spent a full day here but you never know that in advance so our planning wouldn't allow it.  

It was beyond cool but so large that we really didn't hike thru much of it to see the coolest stuff.  This is a place that I wouldn't mind visiting again, should I get the chance before they plant my carcass.

So you can sort of see Fort Stevens in Yellow (I couldn't figure out how to change the font color...) labeled in the ocean.  That green area to the right is Fort Stevens State Park.  It was built to guard the mouth of the Columbia river.

Some of the old buildings built into the seaside to hide any nighttime lights with the hill.  The Pacific ocean is just a good hop, skip and jump behind these.  Well, maybe 3 jumps...  as I said, we didn't go up there.

This is another shot, just left of the pic above but standing in roughly the same spot.  These buildings appeared to have been built for the entire distance of the hill.

And another shot to the left of the one above it.  The little white sign above the door says, "Steam Room".

A fine looking young Chinese boy with a cool back drop!

That was all of the pictures I apparently took.  We spent considerable time in the attached museum building looking at the uniforms, weapons and various supplies of the soldiers, as well as watching a movie about the place.

Very interesting stuff and I would recommend a visit, should you get the chance.  And if you do go, I would also recommend planning to stay a few hours to take it all in!

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