Saturday, June 13, 2015

Random Hap'nins From the Hill, June 2015 Edition

Schools out and we haven't been doing too much, although during the week it never feels that way!  Oh sure, there's always something going on somewhere and I usually do my best to avoid most of it.  :-)

But here's a few odds n' ends of what keeps us busy.

Caleb started swimming lessons last week.  Guess who gets to go in the pool at the same time?  Yep.  Aquaman Robby.  Calebs swim instructor is one of Robby's swim coaches.  I will NEVER forget the first two times we put that boy in water while we were still in China.  I got beat up!!!

And speaking of things he would NEVER have done 2 years ago...  There are many times now where I'll find him and Juno snuggling on the couch or playing video games.  Good to see.

Robby has been wanting to ride his bike more this years as we only made it out once last year (I know, I know...)  So one night I took he and the Chinaman up to their school to ride in the parking lot.  Caleb is not riding because every time he does, he ends up wounded and does not care for that!  He will run and chase Robby around the parking lot though, so there's still some exercise happening.

After bike riding, we took a short trip down to the river to see the sights.  The plan was to do some hiking, but as you can sort of see from the varmints, the skeeters were thick as thieves and it was miserable!

A "few" of the skeeter bites the boy got.  He's like his momma too...  meaning they drive him absolutely bonkers with the itching.  Calebber and I can just leave them alone and they're gone in about 24 hours.

And back home we see our nice serene picture of our creek thru the front yard...

Which is infested with these critters and they're reeking havoc in the yard!!

That's about all...  as I say, nothing too exciting but it is what it is.

Robby has a birthday party at the aquatic center today and then he's ushering in worship tonight as part of the ending of VBS week with our church.

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