Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Wound That Keeps On Giving

We seem to have a bit of a problem with digits in our house these days...  and not the "math" type digits...

First, I injured my right hand pinkie while camping at Apple Creek campground in Wisconsin this summer.  I was just minding my own business, playing with the boys on the tire swing when I wound the rope too tight and it jumped, catching my ring and pinkie fingers in the rope.  Turns out that I tore the tendon off of the top of the finger at the last knuckle. That causes what is commonly known in medical circles as a "boutonniere deformity".  If you are thinking of tearing a tendon soon, I would discourage it.  

It hurts...

So then, long about mid-November, Master McCheese (aka, Caleb) gets what appears to be a mild infection in his finger.  We do peroxide and epsom salt soaks, as well as band-aids/wraps with Watkins salve or neosporin.  It appeared to be getting better and he NEVER COMPLAINED about it!

Never.  Not once...

So we go on with life until Nurse mama notices the finger one evening and it looks terrible!  Back to the soaks n' wraps and we decide after I squeezed it one night to receive oozing nastiness out of it, we took him to the doc for a round of antibiotics.

Looked like it was getting better...

Fast forward to a basement football game yesterday with his brother and two other lads, when he finger nail, split somewhat down the middle, got caught on somebody or something and tore.

So the finger was cleaned and wrapped and he seemed fine, again not complaining about anything.

About 11pm, I awake to loud sobbing, which eventually turned in to crying.  Now hear me out, over pain, Caleb don't cry!

He has bonked his head on things in a manner that would have killed ordinary men and not even cried.  Got quiet and a somewhat concerned look on his face, but didn't cry.

So I get out of bed and get him a tiny bit of medicine and an ice pack.  He's happy and goes back to bed after we discuss it a bit.

About 1am or a little after, I awake to heavier sobbing than the first time, very quiet pleas to his brother Robby for help (quiet cause he really doesn't want to wake him up) and then he boils over into a full blown cry again. 

After a short prayer for guidance, I was back in his room and leading him to our bedroom for light.  The guidance provided was that the bandage wrap was probably a little too tight and it was fine while he was awake and doing stuff, but now that he's in bed, it's hurting like crap!

So we cut the wrap off, very carefully I might add, and I put a band-aid on loosely to help hold the other bandage that still mostly on his finger.  He liked that and said it felt better.

So back to bed we go and off to the doctor he went with nurse mama this morning when she got home.  So they pulled the finger nail off, and according to Calebber, "it hurt and a lot of blood, and I got a toy".

"Did you cry?", I asked.

The response, "No, I tough.".

Calebbers "finger" after the second visit for the same wound...  More antibiotics and "dressing changes".  Last year for Christmas, he was on a liquid diet, this year, the wounded digit.

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