Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Little School Humor

We, as any parents of youngin's will tell you, get PILES of papers home from school nearly every day and surely every week. 

Most of the time you flip thru them, pick out a thing or two that you know you need to work on and then move on with a whole lot of recycling.

This week though, we got not one, but two jems out of Robby's papers.  

On the "Anger Meter", the kids were supposed to read thru the list of things and rate how much they bother them.  In the spot for "Other:" at the bottom, was jem #1.  Robby wrote, "My brother messed up my Wii football game and benched Kyle Orton" and proceeded to grade that incident as a 5, for "it made him furious".  Funny?  I certainly think so.  Also somewhat telling is that he graded getting teased for a haircut at a 1.  Seems fitting since he has long hair and gets called a girl quite often.

Then for his math papers.  Robby has a girl that he is EXTREMELY competitive with.  They race thru stuff to try to be the first one done.  They're both smart and usually don't miss more than 1 on anything, if they miss any at all.  However, sometimes due to the racing, you get stuff like the paper above.  Rob missed the three easiest on the paper, I presume due to racing his nemesis, and the teacher wrote, "Skipping the easy ones?".  Golden!!

Now, get back to your day!

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