Friday, September 20, 2013

Ahhh... football season! Smell the pain!

The fall leaves. Crisp cool air. And F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L!!!!



It's that time of the year when , on Monday evening after the last game of the week ends, you can't wait for the next weekend (okay, nowadays it's next Thursday night, but don't get me started on that!) so that you can get on with the next chapter of the season!

And since becoming a daddy of a flag football player, I'm equally, if not more excited for that to start!  I absolutely adore watching the kids (mine, especially) try to run the right routes, hand off on the right side, catch or throw the ball under duress and that's only on offense.

I cannot tell you how pumped up I was last year when he had a pick-6!!

So, after a bumpy start to this year's practice for the flag football season, we're ready for the first game of the year!  Saturday morning at 11am!!

But then today happened.

You see, Robby wanted to play tackle football this year and his cautious, stupid dear ol' dad wouldn't let him! 

Dumb ol' dad says, "learn the fundamentals while you're growing up and THEN you can play tackle".

So today at recess, Robby is playing touch football with his buddies, as is their common recess practice.

He got touched and "pushed" by a friendly fella, who Robby said later, "That dude can tackle hard!", and managed to break his wrist.

Notice the football shirt...  What can I say?

So what does this mean?

It means that he will not play any football for at least 3 weeks.  Hopefully it will be three weeks and nothing more because I, dad, need me some football!! 

Just kidding...  kind of...

I will take him up to the games to be with his team on the sidelines as he heals so he can root them on as he has a great passion for the game, and so he can be in team pictures and so on.

Other than that, pray for a quick and complete recovery of the boy as he mends.

I told him the good news in all of this is that it's his left arm so we can have him do writing practice with all of the available time he'll have on his hands...  uh, hand, since he cannot wield a football.

Take care all.  We're off to the S.E. Polk Homecoming game in about 45 minutes.


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