Monday, October 8, 2012

The Color Run

The Schmitz Mobile Chaos Unit took part in what I believe to be the Des Moines area's first (and perhaps, annual) Color Run.

I'm not sure what the concept is, or if there is a concept beyond simply having fun.  If you're curious about that, you can visit this web page for yourself and see if there's pertinent info for you to solve your query.

Let's see some pictures and let them tell most of the story.

This is the Mobile Chaos Unit on the way to the starting line.  Dear ol' Dad looks angry, doesn't he?!  As I am he, I can assure you that I was not...  If you're wondering if Mom has on pajama bottoms, the answer is, "Yes".  If you're wondering if she stood out, take note of some of the other people in the upcoming photos for your answer.

When I saw this mass of humanity, I started to wonder what the heck I had signed up for!!  This is a very small sampling...  Ugh.

Again...  mass...  humanity...   ugh...  Notice about the middle of the photo.  It's hard to tell at this size, but those are people all the way back to those red tents!  Word on the street is that approximately 27,000 people participated on Saturday.  I don't doubt that at all.  The crowd of people was huge and when we were leaving, cars were backed up for a mile down the interstate trying to get off on the appropriate exit to find parking.

Here we are shortly after passing the starting line!  Again, that's people all the way down the hill there!

We've obviously been thru the orange and green "color stations" at this point and you can sort of see the blue dust coming up.  The blue was on the westbound side of the bridge, then you looped around and came back on the eastbound lanes of the bridge for the pink station.

Happy momma with a happy little China boy who likely is wondering what the heck is wrong with Americans!!

Uhh... right.

Aunt Deaner with two critters immediately after the yellow color station.  Dianne took Robby thru and was telling all of the "decorators" that yellow was Robby's favorite color.  They blasted him with it even though it doesn't show up all that well in the photo.

The Mobile Chaos Unit in the same location just after the yellow color station.

That's our little posse.  From left to right, Aunt Dianne, her friend Nicole (sp??), Caleb, Momma Chaos, and Robby.

The all important finish line!

Well decorated critters!

After the finish line, every 15 minutes or so, the have a color throw.  This is sort of what it looks like but it's much more impressive in person.

Over all, a fantastic time with the exception of standing in elbow-to-elbow people for what seemed like eternity while waiting for the silly thing to start.

Will we do it again next year?  Dunno...  it was fun, so we'll maybe see if the boys remember it and want to do it again. 
Also, somewhat amazing, some of the route that we walked is my path to work.  There was not even the faintest sign that anything of this manner went on over the weekend.  That's some serious clean-up!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, was so sad to not be able to join you since I got you into it in the first place. But the good news is, yesterday was my FIRST nearly-PAIN-free day in THREE MONTHS! By golly, I think we might be on the mend after all...

    Still trying to figure out why Aunt Dianne is so "clean"...?

    Also, was curious about the after appearance of the streets travelled, thanks for answering. I saw two gals at quilt show who had gone to Color Run first, they were getting some "looks"...
