Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Caleb's Surgery - May 8th, Update

Just a quick update here...

Caleb is doing pretty good.  He's eating good, drinking lots of yogurt (thinned with milk).  He and big bro Robby had hot dog "shakes" for breakfast this morning.  That's right, hot dogs in the blender, thinned with water so Caleb could "drink his dogs".  They were both exclaiming how much they like it.

He's doing pretty good about not sticking his fingers and thumb in his mouth but even so, we still use the elbow braces on him at night as well as using tube gauze and a bandage wrap around his thumb and hand at night as well.  He doesn't like it much but I don't like the idea of sitting through another surgery and the hospital stay after such an ordeal either, so he'll have to keep wearing them for a bit longer.

He does have some irritation on his tongue that does not look good and I think it's probably similar to a bad sore throat.  He acts and sounds like he has a bit of sore throat too. Lesley called the surgeon about it and he said it's likely irritation from the tongue dealybopper that they had in his mouth for the duration of the surgery.

So that's it, nothing too exciting. Nothing too bad although it could be better if the tongue would heal up good.

That's all for now...


  1. Glad he's doing OK. Jacinda's palate was repaired when she had just turned 2 and that was hard. I can't imagine how it would be for an older kiddo. I never could bring myself to blend up meat at all! We stuck to applesauce, yogurt, etc.

    Sherry (Kenzi's mom from our agency travel group)

    1. The blended hot dogs were gross from my standpoint. The inside of the blender was greasy...Ewww. But I find myself trying to find stuff he will eat and when I hit something he likes I go with it! -- Lesley
