This past weekend was Calebs first "road trip" from his new forever home in Pleasant Hill.
The Schmitz Mobile Chaos Unit went North to Crystal Lake to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bushman. We got there in time for lunch on Saturday and left shortly after lunch (and a Wii bowling tournament) on Sunday. I would hanker a guess that a blast was had by all and the food was outstanding!
Okay, okay... so it's the Boondocks on the old US Hwy 20. It may not mean much to about 99% of the folks reading this blog, but this particular gas station has a bit of history when it comes to our family. It was fun to take a picture of little Marvin McNutt and his brother Robby here. The history is not that important so I won't bore ya'll with the gory details. Just admire the smile! |
Here's the duders together... Rob with no coat, because why would you have one when it's a roasting 18+ degerees out? They were giggling and whacking at each other and jumping and whatever else, so I'm happy that I got at least one photo even though Rob looks like he's planning the biggest heist in history and Caleb looks like he just pulled it off! |
I was attempting to get a shot of the little critters in Grandpa's recliner together and, believe it or not, it proved more difficult than I had initially thought it might. Here Caleb is showing Rob that he will NOT lay down for his older brother and simply accept instruction... |
Here, Caleb receives his "reward" for displaying his independence! |
Our little Crunchie Brothers are laying in a big spot of sunshine that's coming through the south facing window of G'ma & G'pa's living room window. Again, it doesn't seem like all that much but to get both of the little buggers to lay there long enough to get at least an acceptable shot was a little harder than expected. |
Here, Caleb, without his Batman mask is mounting the Batcycle for a 'spin' around the garage. |
Caleb and Aunt Molly are going through an ANCIENT box of toys seeing if there's anything that suits them during this current historical period. Molly discovers that several decades after things were initially fun, they still can be and obviously so, still are! |
Ummm... the boys... ready for bed. |
G'ma & G'pa with grandsons 1 & 2. |
Here are the boys playing with the blocks that great Aunt Karen gave them. Daddy helped build them a little house/building and they took it from there. |
Here they are building the tower off of it. |
And, as you can see the 'tower' bending, this photo was taken just before the big collapse. Yes, daddy had to help put on the last several feet of blocks. Yes, daddy enjoyed his time with the building blocks! |
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