July 12th, 2022...
currently sitting in the Minneapolis / St. Paul International airport
alone with all of luggage while Mama Chaos took the critters to B-Dubs to do
some grazing. I figured that I'd use
some alone time to do some writing. It
is 4:05pm CST and our flight takes off at 6pm.
We got up around 6:30am to get prettied up, finish
packing too much crap, water the garden one last time before my neighbor takes
over and other various and sundry
stuffs. Once the car was loaded, I had
EVERYONE come out and verify that their bags were included after last years
We left the house at 9:20am and after a quick stop at
Scooters for some coffee and a smoothie, we were on the road! After two stops, we arrived at Mama's cousins
house where our vehicle will remain for the next many days. We chatted for a while before our Uber
arrived. He was a fine fellow named
Jamal, and did a fine job getting us to exactly where we needed to be.
While we are on the way to the 50th state for all of us,
we don't fly very often and when the Schmitz Mobile Chaos Unit gets into an
airport, that fact becomes blatantly obvious!
Going thru the TSA check was my first of what will likely be many screw-ups. The good lady is checking our passports and
Caleb still had on his mirrored sunglasses (got to look good for the ladies!). The lady asked him to remove them and he
didn't hear her. She repeated it and
both Mama & Rob said, "Remove the sunglasses!". And like Caleb and I do at home about 10
times a day, I said, "Geez, Ya
terrorist!". Whoops!! Like I said, we call each other that at home
ALL OF THE TIME, but home we are not!
Luckily she either didn't understand what I said or flat out didn't hear
it, or I suspect that we still might be there... whew.
Now, we sit and wait.
This is where that first paragraph comes into play.
Loading our tiny, tiny bags of sun chips!! |
Caleb, like myself, likes looking out the window at the planes taking off and landing, as well as keeping a keen eye on what is happening with our own bird! |
Currently, it is nearly 11pm CST and we're about 45
minutes from landing in Fairbanks. Our
flight was about 10 - 11 minutes late taking off and they had oversold the flight
by roughly 13 people. How does this
happen? I have zero ideas, but they
announced that they were offering people $1000 cash, plus free hotel and meals
to delay their flight by 24 hours. Not
many takers at first but they went to $1100 pretty quickly, and eventually up
to $1500. We decided that if they got to
$2000, we'd take the deal. When they
were at $1500, our section was called to board so no decision was to be made.
The outside temp is -72 degrees and we're traveling at
505mph. It's 8:03pm in Fairbanks
currently and it bright up here in the clouds as if it were noon!
I'm excited to be out of the plane as my butt and low
back are starting to hurt! However, the
only part of flying that is worse than boarding the plane is disembarking the
plane! But, flying is what allowed us to
do this vaca so I'll tolerate it as best that I can.
After successfully getting off of our bird, we divided to
conquer both the baggage claim and our rental vehicle. I took the job as official rental car securer
as Mama and the varmints went to stare blankly at the baggage carousel.
I learned quite quickly that if I was the only one that
showed their license that I was the only person who could legally drive this
vehicle. Not a big deal unless I broke a
friggin' ankle hiking or something ridiculous like that. I called Mama over so that we could have two
drivers in the event of emergency as I am known for doing stupid crap.
Once I got all of the paperwork signed and handed over a
weeks salary, I turned around to my
peeps with our checked bag! Things are
going smoothly so far! We load all of
our crap into our Hyundai Santa Fe and board the vessel to embark on the
journey to find our first AirBn'b.
This picture doesn't have much to do with anything but if you're going to photograph the lad, you've got to sneak them in sometimes! |
Our vessel for the next several days. More on this thing later! |
Turns out that it wasn't very hard to find and therefore wasn't much of a journey
either, which is fine!
We pick our rooms and get stuff situated. Rob is feeling super bad and the descent of
the plane had him feeling miserable!
When he knew which room was his, he laid down and was OUT!! Caleb and I ran out to find some food and
ended up at a grocery store for a few things and grabbed some sammy's and
sushi. We had to wake Rob up when we got
back and he got up to eat a bit and was back in bed in about 15 - 20 minutes
with some food and meds in his belly.
A (bad) pic of the sun being shaded by all of the smoke in the air. The smoke had my eye's burning and sinuses jacked up. Thank goodness we woke up to rain on the first morning, I believe which took a bunch of the smoke down with it. |
Luckily, we didn't have to be anywhere until about noon
so we let Rob sleep. It helped, thank
Day 1 is in the books...