Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Holy Zucchini's, Batman!

There's a huge zucchini every year, and here is this years candidate.

Monday, July 13, 2020

I Love Our Critters

Caleb went with me over to West Des Moines for my COVID test, and took his new buff with us.  Uh, don't think you should be wearing it like that in modern day America!!  LOL!

At the Iowa Taproom Friday night for my birthday,  this lad, who is difficult to photograph, was having a good time roasting his dad over whatever subject...  Pretty happy with himself!

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Guns of Calebberone!

Caleb wanted to do something fun last night so we worked on building some "bag toss" boards and then he asked if I wanted to shoot.  I like to shoot and I like Caleb, so I said yes.