Oh my goodness!! This was our tubing tour thru
Kauai back country adventures. I would encourage a visit to their web page if you're planning on visiting Kauai!
This was one of the more fun adventures on our trip and quite frankly, I was stressing about it before we left the mainland.
Because I had not researched the Hawaiian Island very well and I did not know at that point that they did not have snakes! Because snakes can ruin any situation regardless of how wonderful it is!
I also didn't research how rough/calm the water would be. I do not care for water much unless I'm on terra firma and simply looking at it. This was clear that me bum was going to be in it. Not so cool.
So how was it you ask?
It was amazing and something that I would probably do again even tho I know how it ends. It was simply relaxing, joyous and undemanding fun. Nothing more, nothing less.
Drew Brees and family does it every time he's in Kauai, so why wouldn't I?
Johnny Depp did it in full Pirates of the Carribean garb and character as well, so you never know who might show up on your trip thru the old sugarcane plantation irrigation ditches.
Lets see some pictures.
Towards the beginning when we were just winding up! I don't know the shirtless dude, but I love the Robby right behind him! |
That's me in the bright pink shirt. After looking thru these pictures, I was happy that I wore that because it's really hard to find mama in her somewhat nondescript bathing suit. |
Speaking of mama, there she is relaxing in her shades. |
Rob again, all bunched up with others. |
The green ladder to the left of the photo is your last chance to bail if you think you are unsure of the adventure ahead. Nobody has ever used it since the other mechanism to not freak out if your tube flips is to just... wait for it... just stand up! The water is only about 3 feet deep at it's absolute deepest. |
This was the "waterfall". It's about a 3 foot drop that was designed to keep the water flowing healthily thru the drainage ditch. He was the first in the group, and he was a HAPPY BOY!!! |
Shot 2. |
Pic 3. |
And pic four as he reached the bottom. Pure joy from this boy! |
The next family member to reach the falls. |
He doesn't look quite as convinced. |
DRAMA!!! |
He made it, but that water is CHILLY! |
Big Daddy not feeling as confident as Caleb either! |
This is the point in which me bum hit a rock on the bottom. I did not enjoy that part of the ride... |
Mom, she's calm cool and collected at the top. |
And at the bottom. Took the falls like a champ! | |
That's Robby's foot. He seems to be on the wrong side of the tube. |
Me, picking my nose after Robby's wipeout. |
Mama and Calebber! |
So how did Robby get upside down a few photos back? He was accepting a challenge of one of the tour guides to ride your tube in a fashion similar to what he's doing in this picture. Just prior to... |
And, there he is again... this time displaying both of his feet! |
What are we discussing? |
Who knows, but it was FUNNY!!
So that's the first post on this subject. I will post a second with some generic pictures that are included with the purchased pictures that we bought from the website since we weren't sure if you could bring cameras. Which many people did, so it's okay.