So after our U.S.S. Arizona tour, we walk back to the bus, and more importantly, Cousin Dwight to head onto the actual Naval Base itself, for our lunch and a tour of the U.S.S. Missouri.
As I had said in the previous post, this is the ship where President Truman signed the treaty to end U.S. involvement in WWII however, that room/deck was closed off due to renovations while we were there, but it didn't mean the trip was a total loss either... Hardly!
It was amazing listening to the stories about what this ol' girl could, and did, accomplish! She was called the Mighty Mo for a reason (or two!).
The top portion of the ship is canvassed off during the restoration process, which I believe, Cousin Dwight told us would be done later this year. |
Thems some big guns!!! You almost lose the boys standing under the middle one. |
The boys were pretty amazed at the size of the weapons. Here was a weapon they could pose with and Caleb found it first. |
Never to be outdone, Rob had to have a more dramatic, action-packed pose! |
As far up as I could get, since they don't want people doing the Leonardo pose at the nose of the ship (I don't know ship terminology. I could look it up, but I'm not going too!). Those chains are HUGE!!! That's the U.S.S. Arizona memorial in the distance. The white marker to the far right of the photo is the U.S.S. West Virginia, followed by the U.S.S. Tennessee, and closest the Arizona is... I'm not sure. It escapes me as I type. |
There were some areas where you could go inside the living quarters. I thought this was pretty cool seeing how the soldiers lived and seeing how miserable life would have been in you were only an inch or two taller than my 6' 1". Yikes! |
Captains quarters. |
Chief Engineer quarters. |
The dining room with a little Chinese boy wishing he had something to dine on. Since he did not, he chose to express a bad attitude about the tour, and that's EXACTLY what his posture expresses in this photo! |
All sorts of neat little nooks and crannies on the ship as I suppose they were designed to have the LEAST amount of dead space as possible. |
And the stairways were steep too! |
Being a computer programmer and a fella who just likes messing with stuff in general, this room was fascinating! |
Momma's feeling all fancy and, as such, is doing a fancy walk. In the meantime, Robby is wondering how he landed in such a family! |
Everybody needs a little stress release, right? Rob went into basketball mode and was pretending to drive on people, breaking their ankles with his stellar moves. |
I like this picture looking straight down the side of the ship with a boat at the U.S.S. Arizona, dropping off the next tour. |
The guns on the back end of the ship. |
After this, we went back off the ship, had some lunch and did some shopping, but our tour of Pearl Harbor was pretty much over.